Source code for

# MAEC Distance Measure-related Classes - BETA
# Copyright (c) 2018, The MITRE Corporation
# All rights reserved

# See LICENSE.txt for complete terms
import sys
    import numpy
except ImportError:
    sys.stdout.write("Error: unable to import required numpy module.\nSee")
import os
import subprocess
import maec
import itertools
import math
from maec.package.package import Package
from maec.package.malware_subject import MalwareSubject
from maec.utils.deduplicator import BundleDeduplicator
from maec.utils.merge import merge_malware_subjects
from import static_features_dict

[docs]class DynamicFeatureVector(object): '''Generate a feature vector for a Malware Subject based on its dynamic features''' def __init__(self, malware_subject, deduplicator, ignored_object_properties, ignored_actions): self.deduplicator = deduplicator self.dynamic_features = [] self.unique_dynamic_features = [] self.ignored_object_properties = ignored_object_properties self.ignored_actions = ignored_actions # Extract the features and build the vector self.extract_features(malware_subject) # Calculate the unique features self.get_unique_features()
[docs] def create_action_vector(self, action): '''Create a vector from a single Action''' action_vector = set() # Add the Action Name to the set if action_vector.add("act:" + # Add the Object values to the set if action.associated_objects: for associated_object in action.associated_objects: if object_vector = self.deduplicator.get_object_values(associated_object) updated_vector = set() for entry in object_vector: updated_vector.add(entry.replace(',', ';').rstrip('\n')) action_vector.update(updated_vector) return action_vector
[docs] def create_dynamic_vectors(self, malware_subject): '''Create a vector of unique action/object pairs for an input Malware Subject''' action_vectors = [] # Extract the Bundles from the Malware Subject bundles = malware_subject.get_all_bundles() for bundle in bundles: # Create the vector for each Action all_actions = bundle.get_all_actions() for action in all_actions: action_vector = self.create_action_vector(action) if action_vector: action_vectors.append(action_vector) return action_vectors
[docs] def extract_features(self, malware_subject): '''Extract the dynamic features from the Malware Subject''' # Extract the Dynamic (Action) features self.dynamic_features = self.create_dynamic_vectors(malware_subject) # Prune the Dynamic features self.prune_dynamic_features()
[docs] def prune_dynamic_features(self, min_length = 2): '''Prune the dynamic features based on ignored Object properties/Actions''' pruned_dynamic_features = [] for dynamic_vector in self.dynamic_features: ignore_vector = False pruned_vector = set() # Do the minimum length check (to prune Actions with no Objects) if len(dynamic_vector) < min_length: continue # Prune any vectors with ignored actions or object properites for entity in dynamic_vector: split_entity = str(entity).split(':') if split_entity[0] == 'act': action_name = split_entity[1] if action_name in self.ignored_actions: ignore_vector = True break else: pruned_vector.add(entity) elif split_entity[0] in self.ignored_object_properties: continue else: pruned_vector.add(entity) if ignore_vector: continue else: pruned_dynamic_features.append(pruned_vector) # Update the existing dynamic feature with the pruned versions self.dynamic_features = pruned_dynamic_features
[docs] def get_unique_features(self): '''Calculates the unique set of dynamic features for the Malware Subject''' self.unique_dynamic_features = [x for x in self.dynamic_features if self.dynamic_features.count(x) == 1]
[docs]class StaticFeatureVector(object): '''Generate a feature vector for a Malware Subject based on its static features''' def __init__(self, malware_subject, deduplicator): self.deduplicator = deduplicator self.static_features = {} self.unique_static_features = {} # Extract the features and build the vector self.extract_features(malware_subject) # Calculate the unique features self.get_unique_features()
[docs] def create_object_vector(self, object, static_feature_dict, callback_function = None): '''Create a vector from a single Object''' object_vector = self.deduplicator.get_object_values(object) for entity_string in object_vector: split_string = entity_string.split(':') feature_path = str(split_string[0]) feature_value = str(split_string[1]).lower() # Test if this is a feature that we want to keep if feature_path in static_features_dict.keys(): feature_dict = static_features_dict[feature_path] feature_name = feature_dict['feature_name'] # Set the key in the object feature dictionary if feature_name in static_feature_dict: # Test if multiple values are allowed for this feature if 'options' in feature_dict and 'allow_multiple' in feature_dict['options']: if isinstance(static_feature_dict[feature_name], list): static_feature_dict[feature_name].append(feature_value) else: static_feature_dict[feature_name] = [static_feature_dict[feature_name], feature_value] # If they're not allowed, use a callback function to determine what to do # E.g., if two different tools report the same value differently, this can be used to resolve that # Callback function parameters : feature name, existing feature value, new feature value elif callback_function: existing_value = static_feature_dict[feature_name] static_feature_dict[feature_name] = callback_function(feature_name, existing_value, feature_value) else: static_feature_dict[feature_name] = feature_value
[docs] def create_static_vectors(self, malware_subject): '''Create a vector of static features for an input Malware Subject''' static_feature_dict = {} # Extract any feature from the Malware Instance Object Attributes of the Malware Subject if malware_subject.malware_instance_object_attributes and # Add the properties of the Object to the feature dict self.create_object_vector(malware_subject.malware_instance_object_attributes, static_feature_dict) # Extract any feature from the Bundles in the Malware Subject bundles = malware_subject.get_all_bundles() for bundle in bundles: # Test the Bundle's content_type to make sure we're dealing with static analysis tool output if bundle.content_type and bundle.content_type == 'static analysis tool output': # Extract the Objects from the Bundle for obj in bundle.get_all_objects(): if # Add the properties of the Object to the feature dict self.create_object_vector(obj, static_feature_dict) if static_feature_dict: return static_feature_dict
[docs] def extract_features(self, malware_subject): '''Extract the static features from the Malware Subject''' # Extract the Static features self.static_features = self.create_static_vectors(malware_subject)
[docs] def get_unique_features(self): '''Calculates the unique set of static features for the Malware Subject''' self.unique_static_features = {} for feature_name, feature_value in self.static_features.items(): # Prune any list-type values if isinstance(feature_value, list): pruned_value_list = [] for value in feature_value: if value not in pruned_value_list: pruned_value_list.append(value) self.unique_static_features[feature_name] = pruned_value_list else: self.unique_static_features[feature_name] = feature_value
[docs]class Distance(object): '''Calculates distance between two or more MAEC entities. Currently supports only Packages or Malware Subjects.''' def __init__(self, maec_entity_list): self.maec_entity_list = maec_entity_list # Options dictionary # currently available options: # use_dynamic_features : True/False. Use dynamic features (Actions) in the distance calculation. # use_static_features : True/False. Use static features (File/PE attributes) in the distance calculation. self.options_dict = {'use_dynamic_features' : True, 'use_static_features' : True} self.deduplicator = BundleDeduplicator() self.feature_vectors = {} self.superset_dynamic_vectors = [] self.superset_static_vectors = {} # A list of normalized/merged Malware Subjects self.normalized_subjects = [] # Dictionary of distances # Key = Malware Subject ID # Value = dictionary of distances # key = Malware Subject ID # value = distance self.distances = {} # Dictionary of static features to use in the distance calculation # Also, defines how they should be post-processed/compared # NOTE: The default features here are merely a suggestion! # Options: # datatype = Required. The datatype of the values for the feature. # Possible values: hex, hex list, int, int list, float, float list, string. # normalize = Optional. Normalize/scale the data. # True by default. # scale_log = Optional. Use logarithmic scaling for the list of numeric features. # True by default. # bin = Optional. For numerical features, use bins for the distance measure. # number of bins = Optional. Valid only if bin = true. The number of bins to use in binning. # use_raw_value = Optional. Use the raw value for the field, without any post-processing. # All other options are ignored when this setting is used. self.compared_static_features = {'imported_files' : {'datatype' : 'string'}, 'section_entropies' : {'datatype' : 'float list', 'scale log' : False}, 'section_virtual_sizes' : {'datatype' : 'hex list','scale log' : False}, 'address_of_entry_point' : {'datatype' : 'hex', 'scale log' : False, 'bin' : True}, 'size_in_bytes' : {'datatype' : 'int', 'bin' : True}, 'size_of_initialized_data' : {'datatype' : 'hex', 'scale log' : False, 'bin' : True, 'number of bins' : 5}, 'size_of_image' : {'datatype' : 'hex', 'bin' : True}} # List of ignored object attributes, for use in dynamic vector creation self.ignored_object_properties = ['address', 'hashes/simple_hash_value', 'id_', 'type_', 'pid', 'size_in_bytes'] # List of ignored actions (not useful/difficult to correlate on), for use in dynamic vector creation self.ignored_actions = ['map view of section', 'create section', 'create thread', 'open section']
[docs] def bin_list(self, numeric_value, numeric_list, n=10): '''Bin a numeric value into a bucket, based on a parent list of values. N = number of buckets to use (default = 10).''' bin_vector = numpy.array([0] * n) # Sanity checking for lists with a single value if len(numeric_list) == 1: bin_vector = numpy.array([0] * n) bin_vector[n-1] = 1 return bin_vector max_list = max(numeric_list) min_list = min(numeric_list) bucket_size = (max_list-min_list)/n bin_value = int(math.floor((numeric_value - min_list)/bucket_size)) if bin_value == n: bin_value -= 1 bin_vector[bin_value] = 1 return bin_vector
[docs] def add_log(self, number, log_list): '''Added a log'd (log-ized??) number to a list''' if number != 0: log_list.append(float(math.log(number))) else: log_list.append(float(number))
[docs] def normalize_numeric(self, numeric_value, numeric_list, normalize = True, scale_log = True): '''Scale a numeric value, based on a parent list of values. Return the scaled/normalized form.''' # Sanity check for zeros if numeric_value == 0: return float(0) if normalize: if scale_log: log_list = [] for number in numeric_list: self.add_log(number, log_list) return math.log(float(numeric_value))/max(log_list) else: return float(numeric_value)/max(numeric_list) else: return numeric_value
[docs] def normalize_numeric_list(self, value_list, numeric_list, normalize = True, scale_log = True): '''Scale a list of numeric values, based on a parent list of numeric value lists. Return the scaled/normalized form.''' # Find the maximum length of all of the lists max_len = max(len(p) for p in numeric_list) if normalize: # Find the maximum value in all of the lists max_val = max(max(p) for p in numeric_list) if scale_log: log_list = [] for vector_entry in value_list: self.add_log(vector_entry, log_list) # Scale the list scaled_list = [float(x)/math.log(max_val) for x in log_list] scaled_vector = numpy.array(scaled_list) # Resize the vector scaled_vector.resize(max_len, refcheck = False) return scaled_vector else: # Scale the list scaled_list = [float(x)/max_val for x in value_list] scaled_vector = numpy.array(scaled_list) # Resize the vector scaled_vector.resize(max_len, refcheck = False) return scaled_vector else: # Resize the vector return value_list.resize(max_len, refcheck = False)
[docs] def build_string_vector(self, string_list, superset_string_list, ignore_case = True): '''Build a vector from an input list of strings and superset list of strings.''' # Flatten the superset list flattened_string_list = self.flatten_vector(superset_string_list) # List of ignored/skipped strings ignored_strings = ['none'] # List of unique strings unique_strings = [] # First, build up the unique strings for string in flattened_string_list: normalized_string = string # Ignore case if specified if ignore_case: normalized_string = string.lower() if normalized_string not in ignored_strings and normalized_string not in unique_strings: unique_strings.append(normalized_string) # Next, build the actual strings vector string_vector = numpy.array([0] * len(unique_strings)) normalized_string_list = string_list # Ignore case if specified if ignore_case: normalized_string_list = [str(x).lower() for x in string_list] for i in range(0, len(unique_strings)): if unique_strings[i] in normalized_string_list: string_vector[i] = 1 else: string_vector[i] = 0 return string_vector
[docs] def preprocess_entities(self, dereference = True): '''Pre-process the MAEC entities''' malware_subjects = [] # Dereference and normalize the Malware Subjects in the Package for entity in self.maec_entity_list: # Test if we're dealing with a package or Malware Subject if isinstance(entity, Package): action_vectors = [] for malware_subject in entity.malware_subjects: # Dereference the Bundles in the Malware Subject if dereference: malware_subject.dereference_bundles() # Normalize the Bundles in the Malware Subject malware_subject.normalize_bundles() # Add the Malware Subject to the list malware_subjects.append(malware_subject) elif isinstance(entity, MalwareSubject): # Dereference the Bundles in the Malware Subject if dereference: entity.dereference_bundles() # Normalize the Bundles in the Malware Subject entity.normalize_bundles() # Add the Malware Subject to the list malware_subjects.append(malware_subject) # Merge the Malware Subjects by hash (if possible) return merge_malware_subjects(malware_subjects)
[docs] def generate_feature_vectors(self, merged_subjects): '''Generate a feature vector for the binned Malware Subjects''' for malware_subject in merged_subjects: feature_vector_dict = {'dynamic' : DynamicFeatureVector(malware_subject, self.deduplicator, self.ignored_object_properties, self.ignored_actions), 'static' : StaticFeatureVector(malware_subject, self.deduplicator)} self.feature_vectors[malware_subject.id_] = feature_vector_dict
[docs] def flatten_vector(self, vector_entry_list): '''Generate a single, flattened vector from an input list of vectors or values.''' component_list = [] for vector_entry in vector_entry_list: if isinstance(vector_entry, numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(vector_entry, list): for component in vector_entry: component_list.append(component) else: component_list.append(vector_entry) return component_list
[docs] def normalize_vectors(self, vector_1, vector_2): '''Normalize two input vectors so that they have similar composition.''' for i in range(0, len(vector_1)): if type(vector_1[i]) != type(vector_2[i]): if isinstance(vector_1[i], numpy.ndarray) and not isinstance(vector_2[i], numpy.ndarray): vector_2[i] = numpy.array([0] * len(vector_1[i])) elif not isinstance(vector_1[i], numpy.ndarray) and isinstance(vector_2[i], numpy.ndarray): vector_1[i] = numpy.array([0] * len(vector_2[i]))
[docs] def create_static_result_vector(self, static_vector): '''Construct the static result (matching) vector for a corresponding feature vector''' results_vector = [] for feature_name in self.compared_static_features: # Test if we wish to use the feature in the comparison if feature_name in static_vector.unique_static_features: # Get the value of the feature feature_value = static_vector.unique_static_features[feature_name] # Get the options dictionary for the feature feature_options_dict = self.compared_static_features[feature_name] feature_items = self.superset_static_vectors[feature_name] # Check if the raw value setting is specified if 'use_raw_value' in feature_options_dict: results_vector.append(feature_value) continue # Determine if numeric values should be logarithmically scaled - true by default scale_log = True if 'scale log' in feature_options_dict: scale_log = feature_options_dict['scale log'] # Determine if numeric values should be normalized - true by default normalize = True if 'normalize' in feature_options_dict: normalize = feature_options_dict['normalize'] # Normalize the items for the feature based on the specified datatype # Use this to construct the results vector # Normalize on hex values normalized_value = None if feature_options_dict['datatype'] == 'hex': converted_types = [int(x,0) for x in feature_items] normalized_value = self.normalize_numeric(int(feature_value,0), converted_types, normalize, scale_log) # Normalize on lists of hex values if feature_options_dict['datatype'] == 'hex list': converted_types = [numpy.array([int(x, 0) for x in y]) for y in feature_items] normalized_value = self.normalize_numeric_list(numpy.array([int(x,0) for x in feature_value]), converted_types, normalize, scale_log) # Normalize on int values elif feature_options_dict['datatype'] == 'int': converted_types = [int(x) for x in feature_items] normalized_value = self.normalize_numeric(int(feature_value), converted_types, normalize, scale_log) # Normalize on lists of int values elif feature_options_dict['datatype'] == 'int list': converted_types = [numpy.array([int(x) for x in y]) for y in feature_items] normalized_value = self.normalize_numeric_list(numpy.array([int(x) for x in feature_value]), converted_types, normalize, scale_log) # Normalize on float values elif feature_options_dict['datatype'] == 'float': converted_types = [float(x) for x in feature_items] normalized_value = self.normalize_numeric(float(feature_value), converted_types, normalize, scale_log) # Normalize on lists of float values elif feature_options_dict['datatype'] == 'float list': converted_types = [numpy.array([float(x) for x in y]) for y in feature_items] normalized_value = self.normalize_numeric_list(numpy.array([float(x) for x in feature_value]), converted_types, normalize, scale_log) # Normalize on string values elif feature_options_dict['datatype'] == 'string': string_vector = self.build_string_vector(feature_value, feature_items) results_vector.append(string_vector) # Bin any values, if specified in the options dictionary if 'bin' in feature_options_dict and feature_options_dict['bin']: normalized_items = [self.normalize_numeric(x, converted_types, scale_log) for x in converted_types] if 'number of bins' in feature_options_dict: bin = self.bin_list(normalized_value, normalized_items, feature_options_dict['number of bins']) else: bin = self.bin_list(normalized_value, normalized_items) results_vector.append(bin) elif normalized_value is not None: results_vector.append(normalized_value) else: results_vector.append(0) return results_vector
[docs] def create_dynamic_result_vector(self, dynamic_vector): '''Construct the dynamic result (matching) vector for a corresponding feature vector''' # First, construct the results vector for the dynamic vectors results_vector = numpy.array([0] * len(self.superset_dynamic_vectors)) i = 0 for vector in self.superset_dynamic_vectors: if vector in dynamic_vector.unique_dynamic_features: results_vector[i] = 1 i+= 1 return results_vector
[docs] def create_superset_vectors(self): '''Calculate vector supersets from the feature vectors''' for feature_vector_dict in self.feature_vectors.values(): dynamic_vector = feature_vector_dict['dynamic'] static_vector = feature_vector_dict['static'] # Build the superset of dynamic vectors for vector in dynamic_vector.unique_dynamic_features: if vector not in self.superset_dynamic_vectors: self.superset_dynamic_vectors.append(vector) # Build the superset of static vectors for feature_name, feature_value in static_vector.unique_static_features.items(): if feature_name not in self.superset_static_vectors: self.superset_static_vectors[feature_name] = [feature_value] else: self.superset_static_vectors[feature_name].append(feature_value)
[docs] def euclidean_distance(self, vector_1, vector_2): '''Calculate the Euclidean distance between two input vectors''' distance = 0.0 for i in range(0, len(vector_1)): if isinstance(vector_1[i], float): distance += math.pow(vector_1[i] - vector_2[i], 2) elif isinstance(vector_1[i], numpy.ndarray): for vi in range(0, len(vector_1[i])): distance += math.pow(vector_1[i][vi] - vector_2[i][vi], 2) elif isinstance(vector_1[i], int): if vector_1[i] != vector_2[i]: distance += 1.0 elif isinstance(vector_1[i], str): if vector_1[i] != vector_2[i]: distance += 1.0 return math.sqrt(distance)
[docs] def populate_hashes_mapping(self, malware_subject_list): '''Populate and return the Malware Subject -> Hashes mapping from an input list of Malware Subjects.''' hashes_mapping = {} for malware_subject in malware_subject_list: mal_inst_obj = malware_subject.malware_instance_object_attributes if and hashes_dict = {} for hash in type = None value = None if hash.type_: type = hash.type_.value if hash.simple_hash_value: value = hash.simple_hash_value.value elif hash.fuzzy_hash_value: value = hash.fuzzy_hash_value.value if type and value: hashes_dict[str(type).lower()] = str(value).lower() hashes_mapping[malware_subject.id_] = hashes_dict return hashes_mapping
[docs] def perform_calculation(self): '''Perform the actual distance calculation. Store the results in the distances dictionary.''' # Determine the different combinations of Malware Subjects combinations = itertools.combinations(self.feature_vectors, r=2) for combination in combinations: if self.options_dict['use_dynamic_features']: dynamic_vectors = (self.feature_vectors[combination[0]]['dynamic_result'], self.feature_vectors[combination[1]]['dynamic_result']) if self.options_dict['use_static_features']: static_vectors = (self.feature_vectors[combination[0]]['static_result'], self.feature_vectors[combination[1]]['static_result']) # Normalize the static vectors (to make them equal length) self.normalize_vectors(static_vectors[0], static_vectors[1]) # Generate the combined vectors if necessary and calculate the distance if self.options_dict['use_dynamic_features'] and self.options_dict['use_static_features']: result_vectors = (numpy.array(list(dynamic_vectors[0]) + self.flatten_vector(static_vectors[0])), numpy.array(list(dynamic_vectors[1]) + self.flatten_vector(static_vectors[1]))) elif self.options_dict['use_dynamic_features'] and not self.options_dict['use_static_features']: result_vectors = (numpy.array(list(dynamic_vectors[0])), numpy.array(list(dynamic_vectors[1]))) elif not self.options_dict['use_dynamic_features'] and self.options_dict['use_static_features']: result_vectors = (self.flatten_vector(static_vectors[0]), self.flatten_vector(static_vectors[1])) distance = self.euclidean_distance(result_vectors[0], result_vectors[1]) # Add the result to the distances dictionary for i in range(0,2): opposite = 1 - i if combination[i] not in self.distances: self.distances[combination[i]] = {combination[opposite] : distance} else: self.distances[combination[i]][combination[opposite]] = distance
[docs] def calculate(self): '''Calculate the distances between the input Malware Subjects.''' # Pre-process and merge the entities self.normalized_subjects = self.preprocess_entities() # Generate the feature vectors for the entities self.generate_feature_vectors(self.normalized_subjects) # Build up the supersets of unique vectors self.create_superset_vectors() # Construct the result vectors for feature_vector_dict in self.feature_vectors.values(): if self.options_dict['use_dynamic_features']: # Construct the dynamic result vector feature_vector_dict['dynamic_result'] = self.create_dynamic_result_vector(feature_vector_dict['dynamic']) if self.options_dict['use_static_features']: # Construct the static result vector feature_vector_dict['static_result'] = self.create_static_result_vector(feature_vector_dict['static']) # Perform the actual distance calculation self.perform_calculation()
[docs] def print_distances(self, file_object, default_label = 'md5', delimiter = ','): '''Print the distances between the Malware Subjects in delimited matrix format to a File-like object. Try to use the MD5s of the Malware Subjects as the default label. Uses commas as the default delimiter, for CSV-like output.''' hashes_mapping = self.populate_hashes_mapping(self.normalized_subjects) distance_strings = [] # Generate the header string and individual distance strings header_string = '' + delimiter for malware_subject in self.normalized_subjects: distance_string = '' hashes = hashes_mapping[malware_subject.id_] if default_label in hashes: distance_string += (hashes[default_label] + delimiter) header_string += (hashes[default_label] + delimiter) else: distance_string += (malware_subject.id_ + delimiter) header_string += (malware_subject.id_ + delimiter) for other_malware_subject in self.normalized_subjects: if malware_subject.id_ == other_malware_subject.id_: distance_string += ('0.0' + delimiter) else: distance_string += (str(self.distances[malware_subject.id_][other_malware_subject.id_]) + delimiter) distance_strings.append(distance_string.rstrip(delimiter)) # Print the header and distance strings file_object.write(header_string.rstrip(delimiter) + "\n") for distance_string in distance_strings: file_object.write(distance_string + "\n") file_object.flush()