Source code for maec

# Copyright (c) 2018, The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE.txt for complete terms.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from mixbox.entities import Entity as cyboxEntity
from mixbox.entities import EntityList
from mixbox.namespaces import ( get_xmlns_string,
    make_namespace_subset_from_uris, get_schemaloc_string, lookup_prefix)
from mixbox.vendor.six import iteritems, string_types

import maec
from maec.utils import flip_dict, EntityParser

from .version import __version__  # noqa

[docs]class Entity(cyboxEntity): """Base class for all classes in the MAEC SimpleAPI.""" def _ns_to_prefix_input_namespaces(self): """The namespace that are extracted during parse are mapped from namespace prefix to namespace. The serialization code expects a mapping from namespace to prefix. """ input_namespaces = getattr(self, '__input_namespaces__', {}) return flip_dict(input_namespaces)
[docs] def to_xml_file(self, file, namespace_dict=None, custom_header=None): """Export an object to an XML file. Only supports Package or Bundle objects at the moment. Args: file: the name of a file or a file-like object to write the output to. namespace_dict: a dictionary of mappings of additional XML namespaces to prefixes. custom_header: a string, list, or dictionary that represents a custom XML header to be written to the output. """ if not namespace_dict: namespace_dict = {} else: # Make a copy so we don't pollute the source namespace_dict = namespace_dict.copy() # Update the namespace dictionary with namespaces found upon import input_namespaces = self._ns_to_prefix_input_namespaces() namespace_dict.update(input_namespaces) # Check whether we're dealing with a filename or file-like Object if isinstance(file, string_types): out_file = open(file, 'w') else: out_file = file out_file.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n") # Write out the custom header, if included if isinstance(custom_header, list): out_file.write("<!--\n") for line in custom_header: out_file.write(line.replace("-->", "\\-\\->") + "\n") out_file.write("-->\n") elif isinstance(custom_header, dict): out_file.write("<!--\n") for key, value in iteritems(custom_header): sanitized_key = str(key).replace("-->", "\\-\\->") sanitized_value = str(value).replace("-->", "\\-\\->") out_file.write(sanitized_key + ": " + sanitized_value + "\n") out_file.write("-->\n") elif isinstance(custom_header, string_types): out_file.write("<!--\n") out_file.write(custom_header.replace("-->", "\\-\\->") + "\n") out_file.write("-->\n") out_file.write(self.to_xml(namespace_dict=namespace_dict)) out_file.close()
def _get_namespace_def(self, additional_ns_dict=None): # copy necessary namespaces namespaces = self._get_namespaces() # if there are any other namepaces, include xsi for "schemaLocation" # also, include the MAEC default vocabularies schema by default if namespaces: namespaces.add(lookup_prefix('xsi')) namespaces.add(lookup_prefix('maecVocabs')) ns_set = make_namespace_subset_from_uris(namespaces) if additional_ns_dict: for ns, prefix in iteritems(additional_ns_dict): ns_set.add_namespace_uri(ns, prefix) else: return "" return ('\n\t' + ns_set.get_xmlns_string(sort=True, delim='\n\t') + '\n\t' + ns_set.get_schemaloc_string(sort=True, delim='\n\t')) def _get_namespaces(self, recurse=True): # Get all _namespaces for parent classes nsset = set(x._namespace for x in self.__class__.__mro__ if hasattr(x, '_namespace')) #In case of recursive relationships, don't process this item twice self.touched = True if recurse: for x in self._get_children(): if not hasattr(x, 'touched'): nsset.update(x._get_namespaces()) del self.touched # Add any additional namespaces that may be included in the entity input_ns = self._ns_to_prefix_input_namespaces() for namespace, alias in iteritems(input_ns): nsset.update(namespace) return nsset
def parse_xml_instance(filename, check_version = True): """Parse a MAEC instance and return the correct Binding and API objects Returns a dictionary of MAEC Package or Bundle Binding/API Objects""" object_dictionary = {} entity_parser = EntityParser() object_dictionary['binding'] = entity_parser.parse_xml_to_obj(filename, check_version) object_dictionary['api'] = entity_parser.parse_xml(filename, check_version) return object_dictionary